Ioanna’s wisdom…
2025: The Year of the Wood Snake – My Spiritual Insights
I have always felt that our new year truly starts with the the lunar year on January 29th also known as Chinese New Year. How this new year affects you is determined by your Chinese zodiac sign. The year 2025, ruled by the Wood Snake, begins on January 29, 2025, and ends on February 16, 2026.
Embrace 2025: A Year of Completion and Transformation
Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, let us pause and reflect on the beauty of new beginnings and the wisdom we carry from the past. This year holds profound energy, as 2025 is a Numerology Year 9 – a year of completion, transformation, and spiritual awakening. Together, let’s explore what this means for us individually and as a collective.
Embracing The Spirit of Christmas with Love & Light
As the festive season wraps its arms around us, it’s the perfect time to pause and reflect on the deeper significance of Christmas — a celebration of love, unity, and the radiant light within us all. While traditions and festivities may vary, the essence of the Christmas spirit remains universal: it’s a time to connect with our hearts and extend compassion to ourselves and others.
The power of prayer
Simple prayer is a powerful healing tool that can literally change your life.. read on to find out how..
"I ask for the healing ministry of Angels to please walk ahead of me and fill this entire hospital with healing energy, thoughts and prayers. May all those that enter this hospital, work within this hospital or are being treated in this hospital receive this healing energy so that they feel at peace, and the recovery is for their highest benefit."
How do I use tarot in my life?
This month I am guided to write about Tarot because it is exactly 40 years since I first bought my first tarot deck! As a teen, I had no idea what they were and how to use them; I just knew I had to have them. Tarot is not merely about predicting the future—it's about understanding the present moment, gaining clarity, and uncovering hidden influences that shape our lives. Many people seek out Tarot readings to gain insight into their relationships, career choices, or personal development. It acts as a mirror, revealing what lies beneath the surface of our thoughts, emotions, and circumstances.
What happens to pets in heaven?
The image of the green field has been common to all connections I have made to dogs in spirit. I believe our dogs have a special place in heaven where they are free to play and roam in this huge green field with their favourite toys. Read on to find out more..
The Importance of Meeting and Greeting Your Guides.
"How do I know who my guides are?" is a common question I am asked when I am teaching psychic or mediumship development and it is one that causes angst amongst those that are developing their abilities.
So this month I was inspired to give you my take on guides. We all have them and they work hard at trying to give us a gentle (and sometimes not so gentle!), nudges in the right direction as we are lead onto path.
Overcoming the Fear of Learning Mediumship: Is this you?
Whether it's fear of the unknown, fear of scepticism from others, fear of being ridiculed or fear of connecting with the spiritual realm, these apprehensions can hold us back from embracing our innate abilities. However, with the right mindset, mentor, and approach, it's possible to overcome these fears and embark on a fulfilling journey of mediumship unfoldment.
Th 5 qualities of an Evidential Medium | Is this me? 💫
In a world where the veil between the seen and unseen often feels thin, individuals with the unique ability to bridge that gap play an essential role for those that are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Am I Psychic?
Have you ever pondered the question, "Could I be psychic?" If yes, then let’s explore that possibility as I guide you through recognising and nurturing your latent psychic talents.
Enter The Dragon
Join Medium Ioanna Serpanos as she explores the predictions for 2024 based on each Chinese zodiac sign, offering insights into the opportunities and challenges that await individuals born under different animal signs.
Welcome 2024 | Capricorn New Moon
The first new moon of the year is important because it sets the tone for the months ahead.
With careful, intentional planning you can scale those mountain heights reaching the pinnacle and feeling elated and what you have achieved.
3 ways to be with Spirit this Christmas🎄
Goodness it is that time of the year again, where once again Christmas is looming just around the corner. During the lead up to Christmas we may be experiencing many mixed emotions; we may be hoping for that "perfect" Christmas (hallmark Christmas anyone?) but when that perfect Christmas isn't possible we start to get very anxious, stressed and saddened.
Top 5 Tips for finding a mediumship Mentor
Many of you know that I am deeply passionate about teaching mediumship; whilst the teachings are an important part of the equation, choosing the right mentor for you is equally important.
So what are the top 5 things I need to look out for when choosing a mediumship mentor?
Do my loved ones gain superpowers in heaven?
One of the common misconceptions regarding the spirit world I see time and time again is that our loved ones miraculously gain super powers of intuition, higher vision or psychic abilities when they transition into heaven.
What is a spiritual assessment? And why do I need one?
A spiritual assessment serves as a valuable tool to uncover your innate spiritual abilities, enabling you to fully embrace and nurture them.
Through this assessment, you can identify any gaps or areas of untapped potential, granting you the opportunity to further develop your psychic and mediumship skills.
Am I a Healer?
Your inner soul recognises and knows that it has the ability to provide healing to you according to your own blueprint. It knows how much healing and what intensity is required and all you need to access this healing is your intention and your hands, plus a little help from your healing guides.
Are you listening to your soul's voice?
what if we could hear our soul speak? what would it say to us? how would our life be? and more importantly, how do we hear our inner voice?
read on to find out how to tune into your soul.
2023 Year of Water Rabbit
So what does water rabbit bring to us? Water is the element associated with our emotions and intuition. in 2023 use your feelings as a gauge for your intuition. Tap into your psychic abilities or take a course to enhance your psychic skills.
what is my intuitive key?
The keys to intuition have remained the same over the years and accessibility to these keys are dependant on how you interact with your environment. The clue is in the language you use.